FLAGS: Summer of 2015 premieres

A Zoom watch party marked the world premiere of my song cycle FLAGS: Summer of 2015. Paul Houghtaling, bass-baritone, and Kevin Chance, piano, performed the four song set in a video produced and designed by Christopher Withrow. The politically-themed cycle sets texts by former Justices Anthony Kennedy and Antonin Scalia as well as former President Barack Obama. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQkla0UOlqw

Famous Fairies CD release!

 On June 1, Albany Records released my CD Pleas to Famous Fairies. With pianist Amanda Johnston and violinist Wei-Wei Le, I perform my own original compositions including Bring Me the Wine of Love, Pleas to Famous Fairies, A Sonnetress Enamored, Separate Strings, Emerson & Eyre, B is for Bad Poetry, and Singer’s Amnesia, as well as excerpts from the opera How Clear She Shines! Buy Pleas to Famous Fairies on Amazon or iTunes.

New releases 2016!

2016 has been a busy and productive year. In June, Rowman and Littlefield published my collaboration with Dr. Matthew Hoch from Auburn University, our book Voice Secrets: 100 Performance Strategies for the Advanced Singer. Then in September, my mantra book with Gianni Becker, Red Rock Mantras, was released on iBooks. Finally, in November, Centaur Records released Moments of Arrival, which features me as soprano soloist on two pieces recorded with the Prague Radio Symphony.

UNLV Opera sweeps NOA Scenes Competition

I am proud to share the news that UNLV Opera won 1st place in both Opera Division II and the new Musical Theatre category of the 2015 National Opera Association’s Collegiate Opera Scenes Competition. And how fitting for these honors to come in Greensboro, my doctoral alma mater. Go Opera Rebels!